1) To break up the Good old Boy network that hire white coaches because of who they know and not for their coaching knowledge and experiences.
2) Give recommendations for assistant coaches for open head coaching positions
to NFL owners, Presidents of universities, search committees, and administrator's that are in charge of hiring head coaches.
3) AACA members will receive free admissions to all sponsored African American Coaches Association events.
4) Being a member of AACA will connect
you with other members that may have knowledge of an upcoming head coaching position.
5) AACA members will get emails on the latest trends on how and why coaches are hired.
6) AACA members will receive emails on coaching jobs that are not advertised.
7) AACA members will get support and outrage for being fired for an unfair reason by an owner or a administrator.
8) AACA members will gain insightful insights with coaches that have been successful in the profession and those who have won national championships.
9) AACA members will have the same causes in respect to the coaching profession when it provides ethical numbers in the head coaching position.
This will provide support and help to the coaching profession.
10) AACA members will interact with coaching peers who share the same interest and support in wanting more black head coaches in the coaching profession.
The African American Coaching Association is a non-discriminatory organization. Any and everyone is encouraged to join the organization.
There is no coaching experience needed to join this much needed organization to combat against sexism, racism, and elitism.
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